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(MODEL: ZJ-668 (5), ZJ-698 AND ZJ-898)

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    The ZJ668(5), ZJ698, ZJ898 series electronic ignition module for automobiles developed and manufactured by Liqiao Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. in the Shantou High & New Technology Development Zone adopts most reliable SMT exterior installation technology and TF(thick-film) circuit which are well admitted internationally. It's especially designed for magnet-affected and Hall-Effect-style no-contact ignition system for homemade automobiles, which features superior high-temperature endurance and vibration resistance.
ZJ668(5) ignition module employs up-to-date appropriative IC for ignition from the Motorola Company in USA. And we design the peripheral circuit by ourselves according to the specialty of EQ140-2 distributor for automobiles. The said ignition module possesses the following marvelous characteristics:
1. Automation in closed ring of closed angle: adjustive range from 10% to 75%;
2. Function of current restriction: the restrictive data is 3.6A;
3. Over-voltage protection for power source: cut-off voltage is 26V;
4. Darlington clamping protection: clamping voltage is 380V+20;
5. Power-cutting protection when automobiles stop;
6. Protection for power transposition;
7. The working voltage is from 7 to 25V;
8. The working temperature ranges from -40C to +125C.
The after-installation experiment manifests that, ZJ668 (5) ignition module perfectly matches the no-contact ignition system of EQ140, EQ145 series with its most advanced technology and superior performance.



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Add: Block 25, Ke Ji Road West, High & New Technology Development Zone, Huanghe Road, Shantou, Guangdong, P.R.China
Post Code: 515041  Tel: 86-754-8365328 8162328 8465328 8467328
Fax: 86-754-8167328  Cable: 5354  URL: www.lqeecosc.com  E-mail: sales@solarlamp.com